Welcome Dreamer!

We are so excited to see your face!  Let us introduce ourselves, we started just like you and we can’t wait for you to be more like us! That sure does sound forward since we are just meeting and all, but if we are going to be in a relationship, it's time to get to know each other!

Watch the video above to hear from founder, Traci Scarce


Nice to meet you!

My name is Traci Scarce and I am the founder of Today WE DREAM. This company is a passion project that truly awakens the dreamer within!  Honestly, I always knew I was made for more, in every season of my life I was a dreamer, but I just wasn’t taking the steps to dream, to live out loud, to thrive…...until one day I DID!  I was inspired by someone I didn’t even know, who was speaking on stage.  He told a story about how when he and his wife would leave conferences inspired, they would go out to eat before going home, pick up a napkin right there from the table and dream. Feverishly writing their dreams down and then would watch them come true.  They would save all of their napkins and then reminisce about how they accomplished their dreams and how the dreams kept getting bigger and bigger.  SO INSPIRED, My husband Russ and I decided to do just that. We did this over and over every year, then we began making custom napkins and giving them out to thousands of our friends and family who then started to do the same thing. All of a sudden, BOOM SHAKA LAKA, peeps were dreaming.  Everywhere we looked were Dream Napkins and DREAMERS!  You see the dreaming is in the doing, so if you just start, you become!!!

Truth be told, we didn't know this guy on stage at the time, we do now and he is a precious friend. I want to remind you how powerful a story can be, how powerful his words were to inspire Russ and I and it has now turned into this company!  So now it's time to tell our story, so that you can create YOURS!

The journey of a million miles begins with just one step.  Some famous dude said that, so we stole it from him, because it makes sense! If we had not taken that step that day, to grab that napkin, life would look alot different.  

I mean how can a napkin even make a difference?  It doesn’t, actually it’s YOU that makes a difference!  What you write down on that napkin is what's inside your soul. If you don't write it down, it may just stay there and we are here to make sure you live out your dreams!